Our Goals


Our goals, wish list and aims include the following;

  • To identify through Research & Development the methods of raising human consciousness to the divine love consciousness by evaluating alternative scenarios for the future.
  • To communicate practical solutions and new insights to the decision-makers in the public and private sectors and to the general population.
  • To inspire and stimulate meaningful conversations and to support educational efforts that brings Rumi’s universal message and insights to millions of people.
  • To Inspire and stimulate public debate on the evolution of our individual and societal consciousness and the move toward love rather than fear and toward greater compassion, respect,
    and understanding in the world – a “love-based society”.
  • Collaborating to provide helpful resources to those who love Rumi universal message and to reach many more so that a global community is inspired to have a positive impact in the ways they communicate and the choices they make in their daily lives.

House of Rumi goals are focused on defining and communicating the need for, the vision of a society/ humanity based on divine love consciousness (love-based society) and the elements of love in the public and private sectors, which would produce real wealth and wellbeing.